Four Hands Massage in Dubai

4-hands Massage
AED 1,050 60 mins
AED 1,470 90 mins

Experience 4-Hand Massage, where you can get twice as much relaxation and therapeutic advantages, making it the ultimate pleasure. In this unique therapy, two skilled therapists work flawlessly to provide coordinated motions that create profound relaxation and stability. This is the greatest choice for those seeking a deeper sense of tranquility and a more robust escape from their everyday concerns. Our expert massage therapists work together to provide a faultless massage that eases tense muscles and invigorates your body, mind, and spirit.

Our Four Hand Massage Spa provides the ideal fusion of deep relaxation and therapeutic advantages, whether your goals are to reduce stress, enhance circulation, or get away from the grind. Each treatment, which takes place in our opulent setting, promises to take you to a state of joy and equilibrium.

A Four Hand Body Massage: What Is It?

In a 4-hand massage, two massage therapists create a coordinated massage. With one therapist on each side of the body, the therapists mirror each other while executing smooth, rhythmic massage methods that promote double muscular relaxation. This method guarantees that both sides of your body receive equal attention by having each therapist concentrate on one side at a time, resulting in a more intense and well-balanced massage.



The Four Hands Massage's beginnings

The 4-Hand Massage prioritizes harmony and balance of body energy and is rooted in traditional Eastern and Ayurvedic massage practices. This method, modified for use in contemporary spa therapy, involves two therapists, which doubles the therapeutic effects and permits a multifaceted approach that promotes the body's inherent healing abilities.


Four Hands Body Massage Technique

The coordinated technique of the 4-hand Massage is its fundamental component. Working in perfect unison, the two therapists replicate each other's actions on both sides of the body. This approach consists of:



Synchronized Strokes

Seamless, mirrored strokes that provide balanced pressure and coverage, promoting deeper muscle relaxation.



Dual Focus

While one therapist works on the lower body, the other focuses on the upper body, ensuring comprehensive attention and increased effectiveness in relieving tension.



Rhythmic Coordination

The therapists' coordinated rhythm helps the mind to relax and sync with the body, enhancing the therapeutic benefits and promoting a deeper meditative state.



Benefits of a 4-Hand Massage 

The unique setup of the 4-Hand Massage offers several advantages:

Optimal Relaxation 

Simultaneous techniques double relaxation, helping to alleviate stress more effectively.

Balanced Muscle Relief 

The mirrored movements ensure balanced attention to all body parts, reducing the likelihood of residual muscle tension.

Enhanced Mental Clarity 

The immersive experience helps clear the mind, improving focus and mental clarity.


The collaboration between two therapists maximizes the treatment's impact, efficiently using time while providing extensive coverage.


Our Four Hand Massage Spa Therapists

Our therapists are highly trained professionals, each with years of experience in massage therapy. They have undergone specialized training to perform the 4-hand Massage, ensuring flawless synchronization and technique. Their intuitive approach allows them to adjust pressure and pace in response to your body's needs, providing a personalized and therapeutic experience.


What to Expect During Your Session

Your 4-Hand Massage session will include:

Customized Experience

Choose from 60min and 90min massage session.

Synchronized Techniques

Two therapists will perform a synchronized routine that enhances muscle relaxation and mental peace.

Post-Massage Relaxation

Spend time in our relaxation area to extend your peace and ensure you leave feeling rejuvenated.



Book Your 4-Hand Massage Today

Don't miss the chance to transform your physical and mental health with this unparalleled massage experience. Visit our website to book your session or call us to speak with one of our friendly staff members. We provide exceptional service that exceeds your expectations.

